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Techno Creativo Roboto Geek

13 Apr

I’m a techno-geek. I love gadgets. And I’m a creative visual thinker. I’m also a gear-head. I guess that qualifies me for the ultimate triple whammy in geekdom. I will speak at length about my passion for art, technology and cars to anyone who cares to listen.

Recently I have found myself playing the role of brand advocate-techno-maven-influencer in the most unexpected manner. (At least in this day and age.) I gave a glowing brand and product recommendation — all infused with features AND benefits talk — to a total stranger in line at a fast food restaurant.

Will I ever know if that person ever went to purchase the item? (a bluetooth headset in this case.) I guess I will probably never know — unless of course that very same person is himself an influencer, writes about the product on some social media platform which I fortuitously visit. That’s a stretch, but it can happen. What then? Well, I may comment on his review, reinforce the positives and exponentially increase the limited influence I would otherwise have had as an individual isolated influencer.

What if the headset manufacturer had equipped me and empowered me to recruit this stranger? Food for thought…

Domo Arigato, Mr Roboto